Daniel Currie HallAssociate Professor |
First, thanks! I’m glad my work is relevant to something you’re interested in. Second, in case you’re wondering about how to refer to me:
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2024. What Russian voicing assimilation still has to teach us about contrast, 65 years after SPR. Invited talk presented Michigan State University, November 2024.
Dresher, B. Elan, Daniel Currie Hall, William J. Idsardi, & Eric Raimy. 2024. Uyghur disharmony without diacritics (or, Phonological representations are phonological). Poster presented at the 2024 meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New York, January 2024.
Poster: Dresher-Hall-Idsardi-Raimy-LSA_2024-poster.pdf
Handout: Dresher-Hall-Idsardi-Raimy-LSA_2024-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2024. Voicing assimilation and featural contrasts. Invited talk presented at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 33, Dalhousie University, May 2024.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2023. Contrast and transparency in three vowel harmony systems. Invited talk presented as part of the UVic Linguistics Circle Colloquium Series, February 2023.
Bjorkman, Bronwyn M., Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, Dan Siddiqi, & Isabelle Boyer. 2023. Limits on pronominal gender: A semantic account of a morphological pattern. Presented at NELS 53, University of Göttingen, January 2023.
Handout: Bjorkman-Cowper-Hall-Siddiqi-Boyer-NELS-2023-handout.pdf
Other versions:
Dresher, B. Elan, Daniel Currie Hall, & Sara Mackenzie. 2021. The status of phoneme inventories: The role of contrastive feature hierarchies. Presented at the 12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics, University of Oslo, June 2021.
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Anderson, Catherine, Bronwyn M. Bjorkman, Félix Desmeules-Trudel, Julie Doner, Meg Grant, Daniel Currie Hall, Timothy Mills, Nathan Sanders, & Ai Taniguchi. 2021. Podcasting in a pandemic for teaching, outreach, and justice. Presented at the session on Scholarly Teaching in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond at the 2021 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.
Link: https://lingscholarlyteaching.wordpress.com/2021/01/01/poster-b1/
Bjorkman, Bronwyn M., Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, Jennice Hinds, Louise Koren, & Dan Siddiqi.
Morphological upstaging and markedness
Presented at the 2021 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Bjorkman-Cowper-Hall-Hinds-Koren-Siddiqi-CLA-2021-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2020. Situating phonological contrast: Distinctive feature theory. Invited talk presented at the LabPhon 17 satellite workshop “Situating Phonological Contrast Within the Production–Perception Loop,” July 2020.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2019. Morphological Phi-Agreement in English: Singular they and Relative who. Presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, University of British Columbia, June 2019.
Handout: Hall-2019-CLA-handout.pdf
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Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2019. Pronouns and Demonstratives in Marshallese: The Morphosyntax of Person and Place. Invited talk presented at the YYC Pronouns Workshop, University of Calgary, November 2019.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2019-YYC-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie & Avery Ozburn. 2018. When Is Derived [i] Transparent? A Subtractive Approach to Uyghur Vowel Harmony. Presented at the 49th meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 2018.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Hall-Ozburn-2018-NELS-handout.pdf
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2018. Two Ways to Be Transparent to Finnic Vowel Harmony. Presented at the 15th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), University College London, January 2018.
Poster: Hall-2018-OCP-poster.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2018. Formalizing Contrast and Redundancy in Phonological Representations. Presented at the Phonological Theory Agora workshop at the 41st colloquium on Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW 41), Budapest, April 2018.
Handout: Hall-2018-GLOW-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2017. Locality, Neutrality, and Contrast: A New Resolution to the Votic Paradox. Presented at the 48th meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), University of Iceland, Reykjavík, October 2017.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Hall-2017-NELS-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2017. Scope Variation in Contrastive Hierarchies of Morphosyntactic Features. Presented at the Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT), Washington, March 2017.
Published in the volume Variable Properties in Language.
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2017. Laurentian French Laxing Harmony and the Activity Principle. Presented at the 14th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, February 2017.
Handout: Hall-2017-OCP-handout.pdf
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Bjorkman, Bronwyn M., Elizabeth Cowper, Daniel Currie Hall, & Andrew Peters. 2017. Person and Deixis in Heiltsuk Pronouns. Invited talk presented at the Manitoba Workshop on Person, Winnipeg, September 2017.
Published in a thematic issue of the Canadian Journal of Linguistics.
Other versions:
Dresher, B. Elan & Daniel Currie Hall. 2016. Halle’s Sound Pattern of Russian: The Road Not Taken. Presented at the 11th annual meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society (SLS), University of Toronto, September 2016.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2016. Phonological Identity is Phonological Identity. Presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of Calgary, May 2016.
Handout: Hall-2016-CLA-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2016. Functions and Categories in Natural Human Language: A Generative Perspective. Invited talk presented at the 43rd LACUS Forum, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, August 2016.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2016-LACUS-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth, Bronwyn M. Bjorkman, Daniel Currie Hall, Rebecca Tollan, & Neil Banerjee. 2015. Illusions of Transitive Expletives in Middle English. Presented at the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), Naples, July 2015.
Published in the Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics.
Handout: Cowper-et-al-2015-ICHL-handout.pdf
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Cowper, Elizabeth, Daniel Currie Hall, Bronwyn M. Bjorkman, Rebecca Tollan, & Neil Banerjee. 2015. Investigating the Past of the Futurate Present. Presented at the 17th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), University of Iceland, Reykjavík, May 2015.
Published in the volume Syntactic features and the limits of syntactic change (2021, OUP).
Handout: Cowper-et-al-2015-DiGS-handout.pdf
Other versions:
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2015. Same Difference? Contrast in Syntax and Contrast in Phonology. Invited talk presented at Contrast in Syntax, University of Toronto, April 2015.
Published in the volume Contrast and representations in syntax (2020, OUP).
Handout: Hall-2015-CiS-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2015. Phonological Representations and Phonological Typology. Invited talk, Memorial University of Newfoundland, March 2015.
Dresher, B. Elan & Daniel Currie Hall. 2015. Trade-Offs in the Contrastive Hierarchy: Voicing Versus Continuancy in Slavic. Presented at the 46th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS), Concordia University, Montréal, October 2015.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Dresher-Hall-2015-NELS-handout.pdf
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2014. On Substance in Phonology. Presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Brock University, St. Catharines, ON, May 2014.
Published in the proceedings.
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2014. Morphosyntactic Features and the Scope of Contrast. Presented at the 38th meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (APLA), University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, November 2014.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2014-APLA-handout.pdf
Other versions:
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2014. Substance Use in Moderation: Contrast and Content in Phonological Features. Presented at the 37th colloquium on Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), KU Leuven, Brussels, April 2014.
Published in the volume Primitives of phonological structure (2023, OUP).
Handout: Hall-2014-GLOW-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2013. Reductiō ad Discrīmen: Where Features Come From. Presented at the Conference on Features in Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics, University of Tromsø, October 2013.
Published in Nordlyd.
Hall, Daniel Currie & Kathleen Currie Hall. 2013. Marginal Contrasts and the Contrastivist Hypothesis. Presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), SOAS, University of London, August 2013.
Published in Glossa.
Handout: Hall-Hall-2013-LAGB-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2013. A Neoparametric Approach to Variation and Change in English Modals. Presented at the 36th colloquium on Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), Lunds Universitet, April 2013.
Published as “The rise of contrastive modality in English: A neoparametric account” in Linguistic Variation.
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2012. Building Parallel Structures. Presented at the CASTL Decennium, Universitetet i Tromsø, September 2012.
Poster: Hall-2012-CASTL-poster.pdf
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Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2012. Both Ends Against the Middle: Features of Voice in English, Greek, and Hebrew. Presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 2012.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2012-CLA-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2012. Redundant Features in a Contrast-Based Approach to Phonology. Presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 2012.
Published in the proceedings.
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Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2012. On the Features and Exponence of Nominal Number in English and Beyond. Presented at the Workshop on the Representation and Selection of Exponents (WoRSE), Universitetet i Tromsø, June 2012.
Published in Lingue e linguaggio.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2012-WoRSE-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2011. Simple Structures for a Complicated Stress System. Presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (APLA), Cape Breton University, November 2011.
Handout: Hall-2011-APLA-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2011. Labial Place in Phonology: Universal and Variable. Presented at the 42nd meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), University of Toronto, November 2011.
Published in the proceedings.
Other versions:
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2011. From Aspect to Voice: The Descent of the Passive Light Verb in English. Presented at the 13th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, June 2011.
Poster: Cowper-Hall-2011-DiGS-poster.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2011. Refining the Contrastivist Hypothesis. Presented at the 2011 CRC-Sponsored Phonetics and Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, June 2011.
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2011. Four Puzzles, One Solution: The Development of the Passive Light Verb in English. Presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, May 2011.
Published in the proceedings.
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2011. Syntactic Change and the Cartography of Syntactic Structures. Presented at the 42nd meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), University of Toronto, November 2011.
Published in the proceedings.
Poster: Cowper-Hall-2011-NELS-poster.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2010. Structures for Possession in Upper Sorbian and Czech. Presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Concordia University, Montréal, May 2010.
Published in the proceedings.
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2010. On the Realization of Contrastive Labial Place. Presented at the 2010 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Concordia University, Montréal, May 2010.
Published in the proceedings.
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2010. Probing the Unnatural. Presented at Taalkunde in Nederland (TIN-Dag) 2010, Utrecht, February 2010.
Published in Linguistics in the Netherlands 2010.
Handout: Hall-2010-TIN-handout.pdf
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Hall, Daniel Currie. 2010. The Check-List: Halle’s Condition 2 and the Form and Meaning of Phonological Features. Invited talk presented at the Sixth North American Phonology Conference (NAPhC), Concordia University, Montréal, May 2010.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2009. Phonemic and Phonetic Contrast in Small Vowel Inventories. Invited talk presented at the Toronto–Tromsø Phonology Workshop, University of Toronto, October 2009.
Incorporated into “Phonological Contrast and its Phonetic Enhancement: Dispersedness Without Dispersion.” 2011. Phonology 28.1: 1–54. doi: 10.1017/S0952675711000029..
Dresher, B. Elan & Daniel Currie Hall. 2009. Contrast in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Presented at the 17th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm), May 2009.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2009. Laryngeal Neutralization in Breton: Loss of Voice and Loss of Contrast. Presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Hall-2009-CLA-handout.pdf
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Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2009. Aspects of Individuation. Presented at the Mass/Count Workshop, University of Toronto, February 2009.
Published in the volume Count and Mass Across Languages.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2009-mass-count-handout.pdf
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Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2009. Where—and What—is Number? Presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Carleton University, Ottawa, May 2009.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2009-CLA-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2008. Old English High Vowel Deletion in Stocking Feet. Presented at the 2008 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 2008.
Published in the proceedings.
Poster: Hall-2008-CLA-poster.pdf
Other versions:
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2008. The Hungarian Conditional: Non-Deictic Counterfactuality. Presented at the 2008 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 2008.
Published in the proceedings.
Handout: Cowper-Hall-2008-CLA-handout.pdf
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall. 2007. The Morphosyntactic Manifestations of Modality. Presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, May 2007.
Published in the proceedings.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2007. Contrastive Specification in Optimality Theory: The Revenge of the Affricates. Presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, May 2007.
Published in the proceedings.
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2007. Inventorial Econometrics. Presented at the Montréal–Ottawa–Toronto (MOT) Phonology Workshop, University of Ottawa, March 2007.
Handout: Hall-2007-MOT-handout.pdf
Hall, Daniel Currie. 2007. Disperseness Without Dispersion. Presented at the Workshop on the Structure of Segment Inventories at the 30th colloquium on Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW), Universitetet i Tromsø, April 2007.
Incorporated into “Phonological contrast and its phonetic enhancement: Dispersedness without dispersion” in Phonology.
Last update: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 23:59:18 -0400